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tamoadmin 2024-10-25 人已围观

简介Footnotes: our science correspondent on dark skies 脚注:夜空下的科普作家 Brighter skies might cast a long shadow . 明亮的天空可能会 投下长长的阴影 。 This week Alok Jha—one of our science writer


Footnotes: our science correspondent on dark skies


Brighter skies might cast a long shadow .

明亮的天空可能会 投下长长的阴影 。

This week Alok Jha—one of our science writers—considered the problems associated with having too many satellites in orbit.

本周,科普作家Alok Jha提出了与轨道卫星过多相关的问题。

They threaten to transform the appearance of the night sky and hinder the practise of astronomy.

这些卫星 恐将 改变夜空样貌,并且 妨碍 天文学实践。

Dark skies are essential for astronomical observations .

对 天文观测 而言,黑夜非常重要。

The naked eye might not see satellites clearly, but when one passes through the view of a sensitive telescope, it leaves a streak of light that erases all data behind it.

裸眼 可能看不清卫星,但当一颗卫星穿过灵敏望远镜的视野时,会留下 一道光 ,抹掉它后面的所有数据。

As this paper in the Astrophysical Journal Letters explains, huge clusters of sunlight-reflecting satellites (known as mega-constellations ) could have dire consequences for those trying to study celestial objects from the ground.

发表于 《天文物理杂志快报》 的这篇论文解释道,反射太阳光的大型卫星群(众所周知的 巨型卫星 星座 )会对那些试图从地面研究 天体 的科学家们 造成严重影响 。

In the next decade, up to 100,000 of these satellite constellations could be launched into low-Earth orbit .

未来10年,将发射10万多颗 低轨 卫星 星座 。

These reports by the ESO , an interal research organisation, and Nature Astronomy , a journal, provide detailed overviews of the potential impact of mega-constellations.

政府间研究组织 欧洲南方天文台(ESO,The European Southern Observatory) 和 《自然天文学》 杂志的报告都详述了巨型卫星 星座 的潜在影响。

While space is huge, low-orbit Earth is finite .

虽然宇宙空间很大,但低轨道是 有限的 。

The rapid increase in satellite population would, bluntly , crowd low-Earth orbit with pollution.

坦率来说 ,卫星数量的剧增将会污染低轨道。

Satellites eventually lose function and the material from them will re-enter Earth’s atmosphere.

卫星最终会 失效 ,它们的残骸将再次进入地球大气层。

This article in Scientific Reports , a journal, addresses the environmental impact.

《科学报告》 期刊的这篇文章讨论了卫星带来的环境影响。

Follow Alok on Twitter for more.

文中提到的巨型卫星 星座 指的就是马斯克的星链计划。此前,我觉得这是一项伟大的工程,没有想过负面影响。希望随着 科技 进步,卫星污染可以得到有效解决。

cast a long shadow 投下长长的阴影

threaten to 恐将

hinder 阻碍

astronomical observation 天文观测

naked eye 裸眼

a streak of light 一道光

mega-constellations 巨型卫星 星座

have dire consequences 造成严重影响

celestial object 天体

low-Earth orbit 低轨道

finite 有限的

bluntly 坦率来说

lose function 失效



Let it be? A new Beatles documentary


 initiate表示开始,发起; 传授的意思,那么你知道initiate的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理initiate的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!



 initiate the advertisement war 引起广告战

 initiate the community 建立共同体

 initiate the custom 首开这种风气


 initiate accurately 准确地开始

 initiate annually 每年一次地开始

 initiate apparently〔palpably〕 明显地开始

 initiate bluntly 直截了当地介绍

 initiate casually 漫不经心地开始

 initiate into(v.+prep.)

 介绍或接纳某人加入?; 使某人获知? introduce sb into...; allow sb to share...

 The artist initiated the girl into the art world in France.这个艺术家介绍这个女孩加入巴黎艺术界。

 The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.这本小册子使我们对生活在国外的情况有了初步了解。


 begin, start, commence, initiate, inaugurate


 begin : 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。

 start : 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。

 commence : 可与begin换用,但commence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程序或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的"开始"。

 initiate : 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。

 inaugurate : 指正式而隆重的开始。


 1. Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline.


 2. to initiate legal proceedings against sb


 3. A language teacher should initiate pupils into the elements of grammar.


 4. You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.


 5. "It takes only one motile sperm to initiate a pregnancy," she said.


 6. They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics.


 7. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate.

 他们渴望负责 、 改革 、 开拓.

 8. The surface has been heated sufficiently to initiate vertical motion.


 9. The chairman initiate the newly elected members of the committee.


 10. Spontaneous photons initiate stimulated emission and the chain reaction begins.


 11. Cracks may initiate in compression, and certainly in tension.

 裂缝可能在压缩载荷下形成, 当然也可能在拉伸载荷下形成.

 12. Respiratory infections may also initiate excerbations.


 13. This term, we will initiate a new teaching plan.


 14. Transmission where the transmission medium does not recognize control characters or initiate any control activity.


 15. Neither side would rationally initiate an attack which only result in its own destruction.
























































































My topic is to "The Book of Rites"Covering" professionalism Lok Kwan "and" I "inside" An Ownership, music of their industry, "That's two sentences out of context made out. I am talking about whether the "Book of Rites" "I"Intent of consistency, do not have to study deeply; but I am sure," professionalism "before, is the only way of human life.

The main focus of this question will naturally be in the "King" of the word "Le" is used. However, we must first have the property, only respectable, Coke's main, reason to easy to understand. Therefore, in the body before the lecture, there is the industry's first talk about the need.

Confucius said: "Eating all day and do no work and difficult to carry on Kazuya!" Added: "group all day, made less than justice, good line Xiaohui, difficult indeed Kazuya!" Confucius is one to educate people, his mind no one can not be taught, only that For these two kinds of people would shake their heads sigh, said: "it is difficult! hard!" You can see every problem in life has a cure that only vagrants, Peng Zhao, he is great saints, there is no way.

Tang has a Mingseng Baizhang Zen Master, he often used a maxim learned disciples, said: "One day does not work, a day without eating." Daily in addition to the church, he claims, should also be its own sweeping, wiping tables, washing, and Until 80 years old, so day after day. Once, his disciple feels his service, his work should be done in this day quietly done, and the words and actions relative to take care of the old Zen master, bluntly, that day will be absolutely refuses to eat.

I Zhengyin Confucianism door, Buddhism these two passages that are nothing more than to prove that everyone should have a proper job, everyone must continue to crafts. If someone asked me: "What is the first 100 lines? What are led by evil?" I would not hesitate 1:00 replied: "100 industry first, led by evil lazy." Lazy no job is simply the community of making decisions on the termite is simply a "predatory hard-working results" of the thieves. We are such a person is to complete crusade, 10000 does not allow mercy of. Today, talking specifically to now have professional careers and are now doing on the preparation of people - students - say, tell them about their current career what kind of attitude should be adopted.

The first to be dedicated. Respect character of the ancient sages teach a man the most simple, direct the key to Czech Republic, but was later that some people say that too subtle, is not practical for reversing changed. Only Zhu best solution, he said: "The main one is that no proper respect." With the words of now, where do one thing, they loyal to one thing, will be fully concentrate on the matter on top, that is not next to the greedy, is the King. What respectable business does? Why does the King do? The human side of labor for a living, but also for labor side of life. Human beings are neither God specifically to act as digestive system, bread machines, natural that everyone because of his status and Cai Li, found one thing to do. Where can be called one thing, and its nature are honorable. When the President is one thing, pull rickshaw is one thing. The name of things, from the secular eyes seems to have Gao Xia; the nature of things, from an academic anatomy together, there is no Gaoxia. As long as when the big president, trust that I could only go when the President, the presidency as a really decent thing to do; pulling rickshaw who I can trust it to pull rickshaw pulling, really pulling the car as a decent thing to do, life is a reasonable life. This is called the sacred profession. Where the job is not is not sacred, so who does not is not a respectable career. Only in this way, so we regard a variety of occupations, there is no pick and choose, respectively. In short, life is still alive, is to daily labors of the. Crafts is merit, not crafts a vice. As for what kind of crafts do I do? It all depends on my talent Ru, Ru situation. Because of his talent, position, doing a kind of crafts do so successfully, that is, between heaven and earth first, among others.

How can we achieve a kind of crafts to complete it? The only secret is loyal, faithful come from the psychological issue is respect. "Zhuangzi" bearing in mind rickets Taketo cicada story, said: "Though heaven and earth so great that many things, but but I know of cicada wings." Where do one thing, he gave this matter as my life, regardless of What other benefits, in the end refused to sacrifice, I now do to him to exchange. I trust when I was a carpenter's made a good table, and your building when the politicians of the Republic into a home the same value; I trust when I was picked clean up feces in the toilet was clean, and your soldiers to win when one arrives in the enemy the same value. If we were all doing things for the community, you do not admire me, and I do not envy you. The fear was that I am not doing this thing properly, then I'm sorry this day eat the rice inside. So I will do the job, when the slightest distraction to refuse to do things. Mr Tsang is said: "The ride to this mountain, and hopes that mountain, nothing." A person to disrespect their own career, from the theoretical aspects of that will be the desecration of a sacred occupation; from facts say it would definitely do things worse, the results of their own harm themselves. So dedicated Marxist, was the most necessary of life, but also in the best interest of life. Zhuangzi said: "with Chi, regardless, is condensate in God." Confucius said: "The prime of their places is OK, do not want peace away from it." Talking about dedication, nothing but the truth.

Secondly, to enjoy doing business. "Good hard working呀!" This kind of sighing sound, regardless of what people would often come in the mouth side of showing. But I want to ask him: "working hard, can not work will not suffer it?" Hot day today, gas, here I cry in terms of breaking the throat, gentlemen Chezhi ears to listen to, some people look at us hard going; turn over, if we go to gamble to Chijiu, less than the same effort in the bothersome? Is it not hard? Notes joy the hearts of all the subjective, not objective things. Life from a tire that second gas, which must play second only, in addition to sleep outside, we can not put the limbs, facial features are Geqi not. As long as a use, not bothersome is laborious, the working class can not afford to always be free. Who will be an abacus, and only find happiness come from the working class. I would like best in the world and so Kuren, than vagrants, TOURS hang around all day, I do not know his own body and where we go Xinzi put their life really sad. Second-Kuren is aversion to their own people in this industry, this matter clearly can not give up, but unwilling to do Mandu house. Unwilling spared from it? In the end can not be. The result was frowning, Kusangzhaolian to do. This is not specifically for their own kidding? I tell you the sentence: "Where the job is interesting, as long as you are willing to continue to do so, interesting will happen naturally." Why? First, because any one job, there are always many layers of tired, twists and turns yet, into one body to see if it changes the state of progress, the most cordial flavored. Second, because each job-success, can not live without struggle; struggle to go step by step, from the hard component will be happy and added two. Thirdly, the vocational nature, and often are compared side by side with the industry forward, like playing ball games in general, because of competing wins derived happy. Fourth, concentrate on a career, they can put a number of Huth, paranoia eliminated, save an unlimited idle worry. Confucius said: "Knowing the good of those who were not as good of those who were not as fun." Taste of life from their occupations out of fun and life have any value. Readme life of Confucius, said: "The Wei Ren is also excited, forgot to eat, music sorrow, I wonder if old age is coming cloud Dole." Kind of life, can be regarded as an ideal of human life.

Most used in my life there are two things: First, "a sense of responsibility", the second is "fun." I always strive to achieve and reconcile these two sentences of, but also often these two words to my friend Strong Mighty dismay. Today's words, that is, sense of responsibility, dedication, music industry, that is, fun. I am convinced that human life should be so reasonable, I hope that will reflect, and I have ever been!




 In the United States, the lonely have Reddit and cats. In China, they have Singles Day, which falls on Nov. 11 -- 11.11, the four ones symbolizing "bare branches," Chinese slang forbachelors. Thought to have originated about 20 years ago as a joke on college campuses, Singles Day was once an occasion for confessing ones feelings to that special someone. But since 2010, online retailers have transformed the holiday, also known as "Double 11," into an epic online shopping extravaganza akin to Americas Cyber Monday.

 China has 271 million online consumers, meaning that almost half of Chinas 591 million Internet users buy products online. E-commerce sites Taobao and Tmall, which saw a combined $1 trillion in sales in 2012, will both be running promotional campaigns during Chinas Singles Day. Among the offers: 50 percent discounts on products like boyfriend body pillows andhoodies that read "I am single because I am fat." Amazon.cn declared that the site would sell "20,000 products discounted by as much as 90 percent." That includes a wedding ring, which singles can presumably buy, just in case.

 Jack Ma, founder of Internet giant Alibaba, told Chinese Premier Li Keqang late last month that Alibabas sales on Singles Day 2012 were "nearly $3.3 billion" -- more than double the roughly $1.5 billion purchased on Cyber Monday in 2012. For Singles Day 2013, Ma expects sales to exceed $4.9 billion.

 The rise of singletons as a consumer group is not without its own costs. Chinese business magazine Caijing reported that big delivery companies were forced to scramble to find over 100 extra airplanes to handle the 323 million parcels they needed to deliver over the Singles Day shopping period.

 The holiday strains the logistics system: Products frequently sell out or arrive late. Even when everything moves smoothly, consumers complain about commercial gimmicks. According to the Beijing Evening News, a popular local paper, some online retailers quietly raise prices before slashing them.

 But Chinese have not forgotten about the true meaning of this holiday: hating singlehood. Singles Day is an occasion on which Chinese confess their feelings and try to find significant others. On Nov. 7, with four days to go before the holiday, the top trending topic on Weibo, Chinas Twitter, was "Help Your Roommate Find Someone." Over 200,000 people participated in the discussion, posting pictures of their roommates (and sometimes themselves) in hopes of avoiding another lonely Singles Day.

 Chinese are no strangers to loneliness: There are tens of millions of men in China who may never find love due to the countrys massive gender imbalance, a result of the One Child Policy and a longstanding preference for male children. Chinese women dont have it easy either: Those who remain unmarried at the ripe old age of 27 risk being labeled "leftover women".

 Although poverty and singledom are often linked outcomes in China, at least one web user was sure of which was worse. "Spending Singles Day alone isnt that scary," he wrote. "Whats scary is when youre so poor you cant even enjoy Taobaos ‘Double 11." Retail therapy indeed.


 In the U.S., it seems that the odds are stacked against those who are single. If someone is in a relationship, you get extra presents on Valentines Day. If youre married, you get engagement, wedding and anniversary presents, and when the kids come along, your friends will even throw you a baby shower.

 What do singles get in return? Gratitude.

 In China, however, November 11 is a day for singles to celebrate. The day 11-11 symbolizes four individuals who are standing alone, so what better time to get together? On this day, which became popular among university students during the 1990s, singles come together to hang out and just enjoy themselves.

 Many eat four youtiao, or deep-fried sticks of dough, to represent the four ones in the date, with a baozi, or steamed bun with a sweet bean filling, to symbolize the dot in 11.11.

 Of course, many of those who really get into the spirit of Singles Day dont plan to stay single forever. Blind date parties on November 11th are especially popular, as are more generic Singles Day parties, where singles can mingle, and hopefully find love.

 China Daily also offers advice for those who are single, in the aptly titled article from 2006, "Single? Dont worry, be happy!“Among the nuggets of wisdom:

 "The most important thing is to take time to relax and make yourself more beautiful."

 "Since youre a single girl, you have the weekend to yourself, unlike those housewives immersed in housework."

 "Whatever the reason, studying can help fill your time if you dont have a boyfriend."

 "If you havent got a fitness plan, youd better get one in a hurry."

 "Sometimes you may feel lonely if you live on your own. How about keeping a cat or a dog? If you love your pet, it will love you. Most importantly, pets are loyal, unlike some men."

 I dont know if this advice would make me happy about being single, and a fun Singles Day party definitely sounds like a better option than studying or making myself more beautiful. In any case, whether youre starting a fitness plan, or starting the search for Mr./Mrs. Right, have a happy, fulfilling Singles Day!


 "singles day" falls on every november 11th and is celebrated only in china. it is a festival exclusively for singles. to find out more about this festival, read on. "singles day" falls on every november 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life. i was a bit surprised when i googled singles day on the internet, to find that china is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives. to find out more about this celebration, read on.

 origin of singles dayan old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. none of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. they just sat around all day and played mahjong.

 one day they played mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. during the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the four columns card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines). even more of a coincidence, it was nov 11, or 11/11. in order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it "singles day".

 university culture"singles day" was first celebrated at various universities in nanjing, capital city of jiangsu province during the 1990s. it got the name "singles day" because the date is comprised of four "ones". these college students have since graduated, and carried their university tradition into society. singles day is now a special day for all fashionable youths.

 the main way to celebrate "singles day" is to have dinner with your single friends, but its important that each person pay their own way to show their independence. people also hold blind dateparties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives.creative celebration for breakfast on "singles day", singles often eat four youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks) representing the four "ones" in "11.11" and one baozi (steamed stuffed buns) representing the middle dot.

 many singles also choose to say goodbye to their single lives on this day. many attend blind date parties and many people choose to marry on this day. in addition to meaning single the four ones of the date can also mean only one as in the only one for me. some people will use this date and this meaning to tell their special someone that they are the only one in their heart.


 November 11, singles day. Today is a very common day for all women and some men. Its an important festival for men who are still alone and dont know what love is. On such a special day, I would like to extend my greatest sympathy and infinite sympathy to those who are still in the ranks of singles, because I also came from the vast ranks of singles, so I feel the feelings of singles. At least I dont think singles mood may be happy on singles day. Maybe they are very upset or even sad, and there may be some helplessness in between.

 Men should be married, women should be married. Its just natural. Unless the celibate, I firmly believe that no man is willing to carry the name of a lifetime bachelor to go through his life. Life is full of love and love, without love life is no longer wonderful. In the pursuit of love, men are more difficult than women. Women can marry themselves anytime and anywhere, and there will be men at any time. It doesnt matter whether you are eighteen, twenty or thirty-five. Men, on the other hand, are in peril and have fleeting opportunities. They often have no shop in this village. Once they dont grasp the opportunity, there will be no womens attention, and they will be abandoned by love.

 I personally think 30 is a watershed of love for many ordinary men. Men should try to solve their personal problems before 30. Once they cross the 30-year-old boundary, the probability of being shot by Cupids arrow will be greatly reduced. Both men and women are extremely sensitive to the age of 30. In the final analysis, its still strange that old man Kong, who was more than two thousand years ago, used to talk about things when he was 30 years old. Although this may be said to men, people are nervous when they are between the age of one and thirty.

 In fact, in addition to saying happy holidays to singles, I also want to send them some blessings and goodwill reminders. I hope that those singles who are still persistent in the pursuit of true love must recognize the grim situation, do not go far from gaowu, and do not choose a mate according to the standards they have set. To put it bluntly, there is no real perfect marriage in the world, just about that. The happiness between husband and wife is not created from the beginning, but is gradually established and improved after the two sides have been running in and adapting for a long time, and constantly generating contradictions and solving them.

 Dont believe in love at first sight, its literature; dont remember the first love deeply, its not good for real marriage; dont imagine marriage too good, its fantasy. Reality is reality, and the essence of life is to live in reality rather than in dreams. In reality, plainness is far more than romance, but happiness is just bred in plainness, which is really ingenious!

 Anyway, I wish all the singles can forget all their troubles on singles day and enjoy their own festival. Dont envy those sweet lovers on the street, or you and your shadow and invite the moon to celebrate the festival together! I hope that all the singles will meet with each other and get the beauty back!
